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Pretty good game, the game mechanic had me hooked immediately, and the file managing part was very entertaining. Especially cause I want to make as few moves as possible.

I would definitely like more of this game


This is a very fun game. The overheating mechanic is a cool mechanic that make the game harder and more fun. Very nice job!

(✿ ♡‿♡)


( ͡♥ ͜ʖ ͡♥)




Charming and fun.  I would love a full version which it seems you are working on. Amazing work and I will have to check on more soon!

I've included Folder Dungeon in my video covering Brackey's Game Jam @ 38:22

Extremely Fun and Challenging game. Keep it up!

Awesome game!

Amazing game!  Love the aspect of overheating to prevent the overly greedy.  Would love to see Mobs doing more damage in the future and heat being more of a threat.  Super fun and totally get why it is the way it is as a demo, but excited for the future of the project if you keep going!

wow, this is a super cool game concept :0


fun! I'd really like more

Very cool!


Very neat!

echoing the feedback that it's a bit easy, that places we've been should be marked somehow, and that a mouse or keyboard shortcut for the back button would be nice.


Hi! I love the animations and the concept! It feels very fun! The only issue is it is hard to find your location and where you haven't been. Something like map or narration may help the design!

If you plan on expanding the idea into a full game:

* Add a "map" (folder tree, that is) so we can better find our way through.
 * In relation to that, an item that when acquired allows the player to skip to any previously folder by clicking it on the tree.

* Add alternatives to overheat consequence (like a thief who may crawl through the folders to try to steal your items, or a reaper that warps through folders every two moves and cannot be killed on top of dealing a lot of damage if you don't leave the folder right away...)

* Endless mode, of course!

* Classes system with different perks

* A Virus boss that lets its presence be known in the floor by spawning "corrupted files" that hides the identity of the real enemy it's supposed to be.

cool game, maybe you can make a return funtion by mouse right click, it's more comfortable 

I love this :))

maybe u can make more and longer games like this im sure everyone like that <3

Good game man

I love it! good job m8!

nice game, hope it get bigger :)



game sooooooo cool 1000/10


I loved this!! I think you could do a lot more with the concept if you really wanted to, but it's fun as-is. I played it for my channel, but I also played a few times through on my own. I had a LOT of fun, thank you for the game!!

오 신선하고 참신하네요!!

you should change the coin icon 

cool game, pretty fun, recovered tony, took only 1 attempt :1

bug Report:
I played without downloading it.
When I "Rebbot" (restart the game) there are 2 songs superimposed.


Ended with 12 keys, 66 money, 2 (bread) knives, 5 happy hearts, 2 magic hats, 2 angry bats, 3 bombs, 4 hammers, and like 6 snowmen.

this game is so cool!

can I make a wiki about it? (if it doesn't exists yet)

Yes, of course! Go for it!

Wooooooooooow thats cuuuuuute

very cute, love the graphics.

Amazing game, those hats though


This is great! Very fun, although a bit lacking in strategy

(1 edit) (+1)

Played it once, Heat isn't a big issue. That info gets cut off on the left is really annoying. Came from "Latest Featured Games", so congrats!



in the web Version there is a button underneath the game that toggles the fullscreen. It solved my "info gets cut off" problem :-) . 


On Chrome and Firefox on Windows 10, that's not solving it for me. Sorry.

Sorry about that. Sadly, game doesn't support all resolutions. 

As in Monitor Resolutions? Interesting. Would you know what ratios / resolutions are good? And maybe put that in the description?


16:9 ratio is good. The game was made for the jam so I had to hurry. If I ever update this game, I will add support for all resolutions/ratios.

Love the Game! Really interesting!

Show post...

First of all, great job with the game. It is fun and interesting.

Balance Recommendation: Nearly every item could use a retool downward as power gain easily spirals out of control.

Power combos like bat + baguette can be dramatically improved simply by reducing baguette damage. Like, literally, it can deal 1 damage per baguette and still be competently powerful.

With that said, I'll do a playthrough with per relic recommendations.

*pirate hook* - This is fine as is. 
*amm_bush* - This can be devastating when applied to dynamite boy. Drop this down to 2 and it'll be still useful, but much less likely to screen clear on entry.
*lance* - This is a single-target single use item per room. Sure the player can do a leave-enter spam; but this is usually a "eh, it's free" pick up for me.
*magic hat* - oh, one of the most absurdly powerful items in the game... if there was enough keys to take advantage of it (see below)
*happy heart* - I would either scrap this or buff this. apples are abundant and serve the purpose well. As a relic, I'd say a better move is to move this as a multiplier. Say +15% health instead of +8.
*friendly soul* - This one is honestly fine.
*rusty sword* - Reasonably balanced and fair. No complaints.
*big pocket* - Oh, boy, this stacks with magic hat... 20% is fine. There's honestly not much of an issue here, but it can get glorious diving 5 chests deep into a monster.
*water bottle* - Baguette combo! This can honestly lead to humorous death-on-enter issues. Looking at it, I would've figured it be a heat reduction mechanic which is what I would recommend instead. 20% chance to not increase heat when moving rooms. Make it stack multiplicatively so it approaches but never hits 100%.
*magic feather* reduce this to 1 damage and it's perfect.
*glasses* I actually recommend a major change on these. Change this to +20% chance to find keys on monsters and chests. This pays dividends when it comes to big pocket and magic hat and allows absurd builds to flourish.
*baguette knife* Oh jeez, this is where the big problem arises, on heal is a guaranteed effect with bat, and it does 5 damage? Reduce this to 1 and it'll actually be balanced and still worth having.

Recommended items to add:
*Silver Coin* - +15% chance to find a shop in a room (adds a new room as a shop)
*Silver Tongue* - reduce shop price by 10% (multiplicative). 10 of this relic reduces shop prices to 34%. (0.9 ^ 10)
*Key Chain* - 20% chance to not lose a key when opening a chest
*Flaming strike* - while overheating, you deal +1 damage.
*Disco Inferno* - When you take overheating damage, you have a 5% chance to increase your maximum heat by 1.

Thank you so much for your feedback! Your ideas for reworks and new items are really cool! I might have to borrow some of them if I ever update this game further ;) (currently working on other game that I am planning to release on steam)

Loved it! I really like the idea of making a computer’s file system into a dungeon.

I love the style of the game, and it was super satisfying to play! Great work!

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