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not bad

Lovely game, I enjoyed its colorful art and mechanics. The music is great and fits the action, but the loud hitmaker tick noise that plays from picking up some pick-up hurts my ears and takes me out of the flow and blend of the experience.

I had to mute the game because of that tick noise!

Love the visuals, and I like the idea of some of the bad guys being multi-colored (reminds me of a cool puzzle game I have on my iPad).  Any chance you'd consider adding arrow keys for movement?  As a left-hander, using the WASD configuration right next to my mouse gets me a bit cramped up.

Added it :)

That you.  That is so much better than before.  Now I just have to figure out how to get good at the game.  I'm assuming it possible to heal?  I thought the pizza looking things to care of that, but it did not appear to be the case.

Pizzas do indeed heal

Fun little game! I like how polished it looks.